Employee Benefits

Our company treats employees equally, we formulate employee hiring, benefits, salaries, pensions, parental leave and other employee-related regulations in accordance with Labor Standards Act and other laws, salary includes base salary, year-end bonus, three-month bonus, birthday bonus and performance bonus, etc., benefits including labor health insurance and retirement pension, and does not treated employees differently in term of race, gender, religion, political party, etc.

Lianyou Metals provides employee lessons and training based on different levels of knowledge and skills, it's according to employees' positions and categories to improve work efficiency and quality, and effectively uses and develops human resources to promote further growth of our employees in workplace and corporate development goals combined. For employee, the company also adopts different training plans, for example, there are a total of 10 on-site personnel, and each employee participates in a total of 162 hours of education and training. The average employee receives 13.33 hours of training. In terms of gender, a total of 9 males and 1 female participated in employee education and training in 2020. In addition, in order to allow employees to participate in education and training with peace of mind, the company pays all education and training related expenses and fees by the company and allows employees to participate in education and training with pay, so that employees can devote themselves to their careers with peace of mind, with no worries, and focus on their own careers, development and deepen the recognition of the company.